The Flower Factory
7130 W Maple (corner of Maple & Ridge)
Wichita, KS 67209
ph# 316-262-9202
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Our Shop/"My Home away from Home"
Our Favorite Time of year - Bridal Expo! " We love our Brides!!"
You are only a phone call or email click away from Wichita's premier wedding floral specialists! Our wedding packages provide choices to fit every budget. But the flowers are just the beginning of your special day.
The Flower Factory's Wedding Services include:
Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. Everything should be PICTURE PERFECT! The Flower Factory's weddings are not mass produced ... special care is given to each detail for each individual bride. You get our undivided attention and expertise, making the flowers for your big day one of the details you won't have to worry about.
Call Pam today to set up your free Wedding consultation @316-262-9202 or 1-877-262-9202! Or, you can email us @! I look forward to meeting with you!
The Flower Factory
2130 N. Tyler (SE corner of 21st and Tyler)
Wichita, KS 67212
ph 316-262-9202
Note: A non-refundable deposit of $100.00 will hold your wedding date, and will be applied toward your final balance. Payment in full is due 30 days prior to your wedding day. For a copy of our wedding floral contract, please contact us directly. Thank you, and Happy Wedding Day!!
About Me:
Being in the floral business for 25+ years has given me not only the experience, but also the insight of both where we've been and where we're going - where past meets present. And now, the future is such a wonderful adventure!
I've watched the floral industry "evolve" several times over and can't help but wonder - "haven't we tried that before??" Hmmmm.....old ideas wrapped up in a new package??? Not @ The Flower Factory! New ideas for a new age!
I believe in this "computer savvy" era, we must stay in tune with the ever changing industry and adapt to what works for the time we are in - not where we have been!
I love thinking "outside the box", and turning a challenge into reality. I love getting as excited about my Brides weddings as they are........the wonderful "aura" they put off is quit contagious, and I love it!!!
I look forward to meeting with you and helping you to make your dream wedding come true! Call me! 316-262-9202 or 316-262-4226 Or, you can jot me a note below: